Tel: 01283 516444


Weight Loss Clinic

Chinese Medicine takes a unique approach to weight loss! Nutrition, exercise and good quality sleep are the proponents of weight loss. Using acupuncture and herbal medicine, loosing from 8-10 lbs the first month is a very common outcome. Of course, results depend on your body type and the effort you put into it. This approach teaches you to reprogram your eating habits and helps you learn how to significantly improve your condition!

weight loss clinic in burton-on-trent

Acupuncture is used primarily to strengthen the endocrine and digestive systems. Herbal medicine is an important component for working at the root of the problem. The theory behind this is simple. When stimulating the digestive system, the stomach and spleen can become more efficient at transforming and transporting the energy of the food we consume.

Advanced BIM health screening can identify metabolic problems that may block weight loss for example, food intolerance, insulin resistance, thyroid problems or adrenal stress. If appropriate, hypnotherapy can be offered by an experienced associate practitioner to help deal with psychological dependency and poor dietary habits.


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About AcuHealth

Grahame Gargini MATCM is the clinical director of AcuHealth, a company dedicated to achieving results and getting people well using Traditional Chinese Medicine incorporating acupuncture Chinese herbs and nutrition. The primary activity of the company is Grahame’s general Chinese medicine and acupuncture practise and the development of specialised clinics in digestive, gynaecological, infertility, pain and fatigue conditions.

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The Natural Healthcare Centre
9 Main Street
DE15 9AP


01283 516444

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