Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a system of medicine that complements the more usual biomedical model of health used by conventional medicine.
Although TCM is underpinned by a holistic ‘functional’ medical approach, it has a refreshing common sense view of health that, when integrated and complemented with conventional medicine, can offer amazing results. In clinic, it is especially effective at treating stubborn chronic conditions that it often resolves rather than them being ‘managed’ by pharmaceutical drugs.
TCM encompasses traditional acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Tui na massage, nutrition and exercise. Acupuncture encompasses several other types of treatment; moxibustion, cupping, electro-acupuncture, ear acupuncture, and gua sha. Please see the drop down menu for details of these treatments.
The World Health Organisation has listed 40 conditions that acupuncture treats well:
Digestive – Abdominal pain, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Hyperacidity
Emotional – Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Nervousness, Neurosis.
Eye-Ear-Nose-Throat – Cataracts, Gingivitis, Poor vision, Tinnitus, Toothache.
Gynaecological – Infertility, Menopausal Symptoms, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS).
Miscellaneous – Addiction control, Athletic performance, Blood pressure regulation, Chronic fatigue, Immune system tonification, Stress reduction.
Musculoskeletal – Arthritis, Back pain, Muscle cramping, Muscle pain, Muscle weakness, Neck pain, Sciatica.
Neurological – Headaches, Migraines, Neurogenic bladder, Parkinson’s disease, Postoperative pain, Stroke, Bell’s Palsy.
Respiratory – Asthma, Bronchitis, Common cold, Sinusitis, Smoking cessation, Tonsillitis.